
st2067-2-2020: Composition Playlist

Composition Playlist and its related classes

Based on st-2067-3-2020:

The Composition Playlist (Cpl) combines the assets in an IMF to a timeline. A CPL is divided into one or more Segments.

Each Segment contains one or more Sequences, which are more or less analogous to tracks in a traditional NLE.

Each Sequencereferences one or more Resources, which are analogous to subclips in a traditional NLE.

Resources comprised of external files are TrackFileResources. The file path to each TrackFileResouces can be resolved by cross-referencing the UUID in TrackFileResource.track_file_id with the UUID in and

class imflib.cpl.AudioResource(intrinsic_duration: int, id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, annotation: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.UserText] = None, edit_rate: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.cpl.EditRate] = None, entry_point: int = 0, source_duration: ~typing.Optional[int] = None, repeat_count: int = 1, _src_sequence: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.cpl.Sequence] = None, _src_offset: int = 0, source_encoding: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, track_file_id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, key_id: ~typing.Optional[~uuid.UUID] = None, hash: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, hash_algorithm: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, edit_units_label: str = 'Hz')

Bases: TrackFileResource

A main audio resource

edit_units_label: str = 'Hz'
classmethod from_xml(xml: Element, ns: Optional[dict] = None) AudioResource

Parse an audio resource from XML

class imflib.cpl.BaseResource(intrinsic_duration: int, id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, annotation: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.UserText] = None, edit_rate: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.cpl.EditRate] = None, entry_point: int = 0, source_duration: ~typing.Optional[int] = None, repeat_count: int = 1, _src_sequence: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.cpl.Sequence] = None, _src_offset: int = 0)

Bases: ABC

A BaseResource XSD within a sequence

annotation: Optional[UserText] = None

Description of this resource

property duration: int

Duration in frames for now

property edit_range: TimecodeRange

In/out point of subclip

edit_rate: Optional[EditRate] = None

The edit rate of this resource

entry_point: int = 0

The desired start of the playable region (in-point) in resource edit units

classmethod from_xml(xml: Element, ns: Optional[dict] = None) BaseResource
id: UUID

UUID of the resource

intrinsic_duration: int

The native duration of the full source asset, in resource edit units

repeat_count: int = 1

The number of times the playable region is to be repeated

source_duration: Optional[int] = None

The desired duration of the playable region past the entry_point, in resource edit units

property timecode_range: TimecodeRange

Timecode range relative to CPL

class imflib.cpl.ContentKind(kind: str, scope: Optional[str] = '')

Bases: object

The kind of content undelying the composition

classmethod from_xml(xml: Element, ns: Optional[dict] = None) ContentKind

Parse ContentKind from XML

kind: str

The kind of content

scope: Optional[str] = ''

The defined set of possible kind values

class imflib.cpl.ContentMaturityRating(rating: str, agency: str, audiences: dict[str, str] = <factory>)

Bases: object

Content maturity rating and info

agency: str

The agency issuing the rating

audiences: dict[str, str]
classmethod from_xml(xml: Element, ns: Optional[dict]) ContentMaturityRating

Parse a ContentMaturtyRatingType from a ContentMaturityRatingList

rating: str

Human-readable rating issued by the Agency

class imflib.cpl.ContentVersion(label: ~imflib.UserText, id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, additional_properties: list[xml.etree.ElementTree.Element] = <factory>)

Bases: object

A version of the content represented in the CPL

additional_properties: list[xml.etree.ElementTree.Element]

Additional properties of this content version

classmethod from_xml(xml: ElementTree, ns: Optional[dict] = None) ContentVersion

Parse a ContentVersion from XML

id: UUID

UUID of the content represented by the CPL

label: UserText

Description of the version of the content

class imflib.cpl.Cpl(title: ~imflib.UserText, edit_rate: ~imflib.cpl.EditRate, id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, issue_date: ~datetime.datetime = <factory>, _segments: list['Segment'] = <factory>, annotation: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.UserText] = None, issuer: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.UserText] = None, creator: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.UserText] = None, content_originator: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.UserText] = None, content_kind: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.cpl.ContentKind] = None, total_runtime: ~typing.Optional[~datetime.timedelta] = None, tc_start: ~typing.Optional[~posttools.timecode.Timecode] = None, content_versions: set['ContentVersion'] = <factory>, locales: list['Locale'] = <factory>, essence_descriptors: list['EssenceDescriptor'] = <factory>, extension_properties: list['ExtensionProperty'] = <factory>, security: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.Security] = None)

Bases: object

An IMF Composition Playlist

annotation: Optional[UserText] = None

Optional description of this CPL

content_kind: Optional[ContentKind] = None

The kind of work represented by this CPL

content_originator: Optional[UserText] = None

The person or company that produced the content used in this CPL

content_versions: set['ContentVersion']

The specific version or revision of the content in this CPL

creator: Optional[UserText] = None

The facility or system that created this CPL

property duration: int

Duration in frames for now

edit_rate: EditRate

The granularity of time-related parameters used in this CPL

essence_descriptors: list['EssenceDescriptor']

Descriptors intended for scheduling and tracking content referenced by this CPL

extension_properties: list['ExtensionProperty']

Additional metadata describing this CPL

classmethod from_file(path: str) Cpl

Parse an existing CPL from a given file path.

classmethod from_xml(xml: Element, ns: Optional[dict] = None) Cpl

Parse an existing CPL from a given root XMLElementTree Element Intended to be called from Cpl.from_file(), but you do you.

id: UUID

Unique identifier for this CPL encoded as a urn:UUID [RFC 4122]

issue_date: datetime

Datetime this asset map was issued

issuer: Optional[UserText] = None

The person or company that issued this CPL

locales: list['Locale']

The intended audiences for this CPL

property resources: Iterator[BaseResource]
security: Optional[Security] = None

XML signer and signature

property segments: Iterator[Segment]
property sequences: Iterator[Sequence]
tc_start: Optional[Timecode] = None

The starting timecode of this CPL

property timecode_range: TimecodeRange

Timecode range of the CPL

title: UserText

The title of the content in this CPL

total_runtime: Optional[timedelta] = None

The approximate runtime of the content in this CPL, for informational purposes only

static xsd_optional_compositiontimecode(xml: Element, ns: Optional[dict] = None, default: Optional[Timecode] = None) Timecode

Return a Timecode object from an XSD CompositionTimecodeType

static xsd_optional_runtime(xml: Element, ns: Optional[dict] = None, default: Optional[timedelta] = None) timedelta

Return a datetime.timedelta object based on a given runtime

class imflib.cpl.EditRate(edit_rate: tuple[int, int])

Bases: object

A rational edit rate

property decimal: float

Edit rate as a float

edit_rate: tuple[int, int]

The edit rate as a ratio of two integers

classmethod from_xml(xml: Element, ns: Optional[dict] = None) EditRate

Parse EditRateType from XML

class imflib.cpl.EssenceDescriptor(id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, descriptor_data: list[xml.etree.ElementTree.Element] = <factory>)

Bases: object

A description of an essence

descriptor_data: list[xml.etree.ElementTree.Element]

The raw XML data for this essence descriptor

classmethod from_xml(xml: Element, ns: Optional[dict] = None) EssenceDescriptor

Parse an essence descriptor from its XML

id: UUID

Unique identifier for this CPL encoded as a urn:UUID [RFC 4122]

class imflib.cpl.ExtensionProperty(raw_xml: str)

Bases: object

Application extension

classmethod from_xml(xml: Element, ns: Optional[dict] = None) ExtensionProperty

Capture an extention property from the list

raw_xml: str
class imflib.cpl.ISXDSequence(id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, track_id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, _resources: ~typing.List[~imflib.cpl.BaseResource] = <factory>, _src_segment: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.cpl.Segment] = None, _src_offset: int = 0)

Bases: Sequence

SMPTE RDD 47-2018 isochronous sequence


classmethod from_xml(xml: Element, ns: Optional[dict] = None) ISXDSequence

Parse ISXDSequence from XML

id: UUID

UUID of the sequence

track_id: UUID

UUID of the virtual track to which the sequence belongs

class imflib.cpl.ImageResource(intrinsic_duration: int, id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, annotation: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.UserText] = None, edit_rate: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.cpl.EditRate] = None, entry_point: int = 0, source_duration: ~typing.Optional[int] = None, repeat_count: int = 1, _src_sequence: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.cpl.Sequence] = None, _src_offset: int = 0, source_encoding: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, track_file_id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, key_id: ~typing.Optional[~uuid.UUID] = None, hash: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, hash_algorithm: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, edit_units_label: str = 'fps')

Bases: TrackFileResource

A main image resource

edit_units_label: str = 'fps'
classmethod from_xml(xml: Element, ns: Optional[dict] = None) ImageResource

Parse an image resource from XML

class imflib.cpl.Locale(languages: list[str] = <factory>, regions: list[str] = <factory>, content_maturity_ratings: list[imflib.cpl.ContentMaturityRating] = <factory>, annotation: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.UserText] = None)

Bases: object

Locale-specific information

annotation: Optional[UserText] = None

Description of this locale

content_maturity_ratings: list[imflib.cpl.ContentMaturityRating]

Content maturity ratings for this locale

classmethod from_xml(xml: Element, ns: Optional[dict] = None) Locale

Parse a LocaleType from a LocaleListType

languages: list[str]

RFC 5646 language tags of the audiences in this locale

regions: list[str]

RFC 5646 region subtags in this locale

class imflib.cpl.MainAudioSequence(id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, track_id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, _resources: ~typing.List[~imflib.cpl.BaseResource] = <factory>, _src_segment: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.cpl.Segment] = None, _src_offset: int = 0)

Bases: Sequence

Main audio sequence of a segment

classmethod from_xml(xml: Element, ns: Optional[dict] = None) MainImageSequence

Parse from XML

id: UUID

UUID of the sequence

track_id: UUID

UUID of the virtual track to which the sequence belongs

class imflib.cpl.MainImageSequence(id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, track_id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, _resources: ~typing.List[~imflib.cpl.BaseResource] = <factory>, _src_segment: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.cpl.Segment] = None, _src_offset: int = 0)

Bases: Sequence

An XSD MainImageSequenceType from IMF Core Constraints

classmethod from_xml(xml: Element, ns: Optional[dict] = None) MainImageSequence

Parse from XML

id: UUID

UUID of the sequence

track_id: UUID

UUID of the virtual track to which the sequence belongs

class imflib.cpl.MarkerResource(intrinsic_duration: int, id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, annotation: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.UserText] = None, edit_rate: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.cpl.EditRate] = None, entry_point: int = 0, source_duration: ~typing.Optional[int] = None, repeat_count: int = 1, _src_sequence: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.cpl.Sequence] = None, _src_offset: int = 0, label: ~imflib.cpl.MarkerResource.MarkerLabel = <factory>, offset: int = 0)

Bases: BaseResource

A CPL Marker

class MarkerLabel(label_text: str = '', scope: str = '')

Bases: object

The marker label

classmethod from_xml(xml: Element, ns: Optional[dict] = None) MarkerLabel

Parse Label from XML

label_text: str = ''

The kind of marker

scope: str = ''

The defined set of possible labels

classmethod from_xml(xml: Element, ns: Optional[dict] = None) MarkerResource

Parse a Marker resource from XML

label: MarkerLabel

The textual representation of the marker

offset: int = 0

The offset from the beginning of the timeline, in resource edit units

class imflib.cpl.MarkerSequence(id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, track_id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, _resources: ~typing.List[~imflib.cpl.BaseResource] = <factory>, _src_segment: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.cpl.Segment] = None, _src_offset: int = 0)

Bases: Sequence

Marker sequence

classmethod from_xml(xml: Element, ns: Optional[dict] = None) MarkerSequence

Parse a Marker sequence from XML

id: UUID

UUID of the sequence

track_id: UUID

UUID of the virtual track to which the sequence belongs

class imflib.cpl.Segment(annotation: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.UserText] = None, id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, _sequences: ~typing.List[~imflib.cpl.Sequence] = <factory>, _src_cpl: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.cpl.Cpl] = None, _src_offset: int = 0)

Bases: object

A CPL segment

annotation: Optional[UserText] = None

Description of this segment

property duration: int

Duration in frames for now

classmethod from_xml(xml: Element, ns: Optional[dict]) Segment

Parse a Segment from XML

id: UUID

UUID of the segment

property resources: List[BaseResource]
property sequences: Iterator[Sequence]

A list of sequences belonging to this segment

property timecode_range: TimecodeRange

Timecode range relative to CPL

class imflib.cpl.Sequence(id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, track_id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, _resources: ~typing.List[~imflib.cpl.BaseResource] = <factory>, _src_segment: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.cpl.Segment] = None, _src_offset: int = 0)

Bases: object

A sequence within a segment

property duration: int

Duration in frames for now

classmethod from_xml(xml: Element, ns: Optional[dict] = None) Sequence

Parse from XML

id: UUID

UUID of the sequence

property resources: Iterator[BaseResource]
property timecode_range: TimecodeRange

Timecode range relative to CPL

track_id: UUID

UUID of the virtual track to which the sequence belongs

class imflib.cpl.TrackFileResource(intrinsic_duration: int, id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, annotation: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.UserText] = None, edit_rate: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.cpl.EditRate] = None, entry_point: int = 0, source_duration: ~typing.Optional[int] = None, repeat_count: int = 1, _src_sequence: ~typing.Optional[~imflib.cpl.Sequence] = None, _src_offset: int = 0, source_encoding: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, track_file_id: ~uuid.UUID = <factory>, key_id: ~typing.Optional[~uuid.UUID] = None, hash: ~typing.Optional[str] = None, hash_algorithm: ~typing.Optional[str] = None)

Bases: BaseResource

A file-based resource

classmethod from_xml(xml: Element, ns: Optional[dict] = None) TrackFileResource

Parse a file-based resource from XML

hash: Optional[str] = None

Base64-encoded message digest of the track file

hash_algorithm: Optional[str] = None

Name of the digest type used by the track file

key_id: Optional[UUID] = None

UUID of the key used to encrypt the track file, if encrpyted

source_encoding: UUID

UUID of a known EssenceDescriptor

track_file_id: UUID

UUID of the underlying track file